Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Normal people use the phone

For someone who used to make phones for a living, I sure have a strange relationship with the things. I would much, much prefer any day to see my friends and family in person. The locals aren't so bad, we can just have lunch with each other, but the out of state ones, but that requires a road trip and either the expense of a hotel or imposing myself on their home. I have always got the message that I'm a difficult house guest, and since I'm broke, anyway, I probably can't afford the gas. I have a hard enough time affording to visit my son on the other side of town, but since he's nonverbal and can't drive and doesn't work, I visit him ever time I have a full tank.

But, sometimes I drop in on people who are comfortable using the phone. In fact, I should know it, because it is almost impossible to talk to some people in person. Their phone keeps interrupting, and they can conduct an entire transaction before I get too mad to hang around. I'd probably get better service if I just called them myself.

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